Choose The Method for Tanning Your Body Carefully

Many people love tan skin colour, so they constantly search for tanning product suppliers . Tanning products usually consist of Melanotan, a lab-made chemical that resembles the hormone found in the human body whose task is to provide pigmentation to the skin. Alternatively, some go for natural tanning methods, like sunbathing on the beach. But to fasten the sun tanning process, there are a few guidelines to be followed and are mentioned below- 1. Apply Sunscreen Always use Sunscreen with an SPF of 30 before stepping out in the sun. SPF range of 30 would be strong enough to protect your body from harmful UVA and UVB rays but not strong enough to block your way to getting tan. 2. Switch Position Do not remain lying in the same position for too long under the sun, as it would cause a specific part of your skin to burn. So, to avoid sunburn, frequently change your positions. 3. Tanning Time The sun is at its strongest between noon and 3 p.m., which means this ...